Fforestfach Cross around 1930's

The Fforestfach History Website


Buildings Information

The National Assembly for Wales is required by law to compile lists of buildings of special architectural or historic interest.
Lists are undertaken by Cadw which look after this historic environment. Building are assessed by an expert group of architects, antiquarians and historians that follow a set criteria.

  • Architectural interest: buildings important to the nation for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship; also important examples of particular building types and techniques (for example, buildings displaying technological innovation or virtuosity) and significant plan forms;
  • Historic interest: buildings which illustrate important aspects of the nation’s social, economic, cultural or military history;
  • Close historical associations with people or events of importance to Wales;
Group value: especially where the buildings comprise an important architectural or historic unity or a fine example of planning
(for example, squares, terraces or model villages). Listed buildings are classified in grades to show their relative importance.
    The grades are:
  • I — Buildings of exceptional, usually national, interest. Currently, fewer than two per cent of buildings listed in Wales qualify for this grade;
  • II* — Particularly important buildings of more than special interest;
  • II — Buildings of special interest, which warrant every effort being made to preserve them.

(Taken from the CADW document "What is a listing.Mht". in 2009)

See www.abertawe.gov.uk/index for the full list of listed buildings. The web page includes a schedule, map and most contain a photo for each building.